Airing Addiction
Airing Addiction
Medications for Addiction in Corrections with Dr. Sharif Nankoe
On this episode of Airing Addiction:
Sharif Nankoe, MD, MPA, MA, FASAM is the Chief Medical Director for Department of Corrections (DOC) Programs at Spectrum Health Systems, a nonprofit behavioral health organization based in Massachusetts. His area of expertise is the treatment of opioid use disorder in jails and prisons, and he has been involved in the establishment of over 20 correctional MOUD programs. Dr. Nankoe provides oversight, direction, and implementation of medical operations for the Massachusetts DOC MOUD Programs. Previously Dr. Nankoe served as the Medical Director for the Vermont DOC Medications for Addiction Treatment Program, and worked in the Vermont Hub and Spoke system as the Medical Director of two Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) and two office-based opioid treatment clinics. He is Board Certified in Addiction Medicine and Family Medicine.
Join Jesse, Lisa, and Dr. Nankoe on this episode of Airing Addiction!